[Cloudspire Keep, Chapel]
Moonlight shines through a stained glass dome, sending soft pastel shadows dancing about the chapel of the Keep. A white silk carpet runs along the central aisle, between rows of polished oak pews, to a small dais at the northern end of the room. Atop the dais, an elegant willow altar has been draped with a scarlet cloth embroidered with a wheeling silver dragon, and adorned with softly glowing candles and vases of white roses.
You also see a gloomy Shadow Servant, a sweeping stone staircase which leads to the Great Hall and a cloth-covered wooden crate.
Also here: Wildflower Brahmer, Safe, Knight Magister Saragos, Chelinde, Herald Navesi, Lytryst, Almost Late Wyvir, Maltris who is sitting, Elisven who is sitting, Cupcake Thief Synamon, Upper Crust Secretia, Zaxor, Inner Fire Legend Squanto, Best Cleric Ever Khaelyn, Best Squire Eckan, Dashing Groom Samsaren, Untethered Zynara, True Bard Raithren, Remmiest Remmy Remcinsh, Tactician Rekon, Grand Inquisitor Liurilias who is sitting, Zandic, Chorister Iarracht, Kattena, Divine Avenger Isharon who is sitting, Stargazer Mistanna who is sitting, Outlander Etherian who is sitting, Healer Adept Kerenelle who is sitting, Leucius, Holy Questor Elfverhan, Philosopher Kurlay who is sitting, Blood Phoenix Drexella, Theosophist Gabellia who is sitting, Peacemaker Marssi, Scholar Marsin who is sitting, Duskwalker Ysaye who is sitting, Lasciel, Flora Sage Jessalyne, Inquisitor Rifkinn who is sitting, Shopkeeper Zaherli, Mazrian, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie, Boot-biter Boriz who is emanating a benevolent holy aura and a calmed Wedding Coordinator Nurah.
Obvious exits: none.
Nurah exclaims, "And we're getting started everyone quiet, please!"
The candles flutter in a warm breeze, the flickering light lending a lovely air of intimacy to the area.
Remcinsh steps through the entryway, nervously adjusting his robes. He pauses for a moment, blinking at the assembled guests, before veering forward suddenly as if he was shoved. A barely stifled giggle is heard behind him as the Cleric makes his way down the aisle, taking his place at the altar with a grin.
The curtain parts again and Samsaren strides into view. The candles flare brighter briefly, the light glinting off of the massive shield strapped to his back. Several sighs are heard from the back of the room as he passes but he gives no indication that he notices.
Samsaren reaches the altar and pats Remcinsh on the shoulder with a smile before smoothing a non-existent crease in his doublet and turning around to stare intently at the entryway.
A slight scuffle is audible behind the curtain. After a moment, Eckan lurches into view followed immediately by Khaelyn. The Paladin takes the Cleric's arm nervously, a slight flush creeping up his neck. Khaelyn leans over to whisper something to him and a loud cough is heard behind them, causing them both to flinch and make their way hastily to the dais.
Synamon follows the pair, hot on their heels. Beaming brightly and waving at many of the guests, she busily straightens several flowers on her way down the aisle. Once she reaches the altar, she gives Samsaren an exuberant smooch and pinches his cheeks, drawing a grin from normally stoic Paladin. Humming to herself, she takes her place off to the side after giving Khaelyn a not very subtle nudge and fluttering her eyelashes at Eckan.
The music swells slightly before falling silent. Wyvir steps into view and gives a slight nod to the musicians who launch into the wedding march.
Sendithu slips into the room to stand next to her twin, her violet eyes passing over the crowd almost dismissively before locking gazes with Samsaren. He exhales softly, relaxing and running his eyes over her with a warm, heartfelt smile. A slow grin creeps over her lips as she takes her brother's proffered arm and begins walking down the aisle.
A ray of light strikes the altar like the gentle touch of Hodierna's hand, illuminating the room with a joyful glow.
Her long train rustling through the scattered rose petals behind them, Sendithu and Wyvir approach the candlelit altar. Wyvir pauses at the foot of the dais and a meaningful glance passes between him and Samsaren before they clasp hands and embrace briefly. The mage steps back, giving his sister a kiss on the cheek and a wink before stepping out of the way. Samsaren reaches for Sendithu and she takes his hand, a radiant smile on her face as he draws her close to his side.
Sendithu smiles.
Kattena shakes her head at Maltris.
Sendithu looks at Samsaren and blushes.
Samsaren smiles.
Remcinsh recites:
"Welcome everyone, to the most blessed day ever."
Synamon grins at Remcinsh.
Sendithu grins crookedly.
Remcinsh says, "A day where each of us get to bear witness the rarest event, where the brilliant sun Samsaren, and the shimmering moon Sendithu finally come together as one."
Remcinsh says, "The shiniest of all paladins and the angel of the night sky have both prepared their vows for us, the Gods, but for most of all each other to bear witness."
Kattena laughs!
Kattena covers her mouth with her hand.
Samsaren inhales a great swallow of air.
Samsaren slowly empties his lungs.
Sendithu gazes at Samsaren in admiration.
Samsaren says, "Dearest Sendithu, as I have traveled life's great journey I never know such joy was ahead of me. My time beside you has brought a light and warmth to my days beyond measure. Having your presence beside me lends strength to face any challenge that may lie ahead."
A passing breeze catches up some fallen rose petals, wafting them playfully through the air before gently dropping them to the ground.
Samsaren says, "Words cannot describe the wonderful joy I feel holding you close. Your breathtaking beauty, tremendous wit, and above all, unending patience for my plodding ways are beyond my ability to express. I embrace each day with ever growing exuberance knowing I can share it with you."
Sendithu looks at Samsaren and blushes.
Samsaren says, "As we express our growing bond here and now before all, my heart can't express my own happiness. Sendithu Shima'ionare, I love you, now and forever, and pledge my heart, my life, and my soul to you for as long as I live."
Sendithu beams at Samsaren!
Sendithu bats Samsaren playfully with his ponytail.
Samsaren smiles.
Remcinsh nods to Sendithu.
Synamon shifts her weight.
Sendithu says to Samsaren, "My Sam. I never dreamed I would be lucky enough to be standing here with you, joining my life to yours. You have stood faithfully by my side, my best friend and attentive protector for so many years that I simply cannot recall a time when I was without you, and I do not wish to contemplate being without you ever again."
Sendithu says to Samsaren, "You are the strongest, smartest, most loyal man I have ever known. That crunchy outer layer of damite is not enough to conceal your big, kind heart, and I am ridiculously pleased that I am the one who gets to wake up to your handsome face every morning and fall asleep safe in your arms every night."
Sendithu grins crookedly.
Sendithu playfully says to Samsaren, "Go ahead and blush, I know you want to. You deserve it, you keep this silly grin on my face all the time."
Samsaren blushes a bright red color.
Sendithu hums happily to herself.
Sendithu says to Samsaren, "Here and now, as we formally acknowledge that so much more has grown between us over time, I am happier than I have ever thought possible. I am thrilled to call you mine. I love you, Samsaren Remlane, and I pledge my heart, my life, and my soul to you for as long as I live."
Synamon giggles.
Wyvir smiles broadly.
Remcinsh smiles.
A beam of light filters through a cloud, a bright omen for a joyous occasion.
Sendithu hums to herself.
Remcinsh asks, "Now Samsaren, do you take Sendithu to be your lovely wife?"
Samsaren says, "I do."
Samsaren smiles at Sendithu.
Sendithu slowly empties her lungs.
Synamon appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Remcinsh asks, "Sendithu do you take Samsaren to be your shiney husband?"
Squanto holds his hand out towards Samsaren for a highfive.
Sendithu grins.
Sendithu says, "I very much do."
Samsaren smiles.
Synamon taps Squanto's nose with her dainty bouquet.
Kattena appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Remcinsh says, "Now you may kiss the bride."
Remcinsh smiles at Samsaren.
Remcinsh exclaims, "Ohh rings!"
Sendithu flashes a quick grin.
Remcinsh says, "You should put on your rings."
Squanto tried to to highfive Samsaren, but got left hanging!
Sendithu says, "Good idea."
Samsaren gets a slender palladium infinity wedding band from inside his hitman's backpack.
Sendithu gives Remcinsh a crooked grin.
A ray of light strikes the altar like the gentle touch of Hodierna's hand, illuminating the room with a joyful glow.
Samsaren says, "I think I can manage a slight delay.."
Synamon looks at Sendithu, obviously trying not to grin.
Remcinsh gets a Saemaus' kiss rose from inside his creamy yellow pouch.
Remcinsh offers Samsaren a Saemaus' kiss rose.
Samsaren accepts Remcinsh's Saemaus' kiss rose.
Samsaren slowly empties his lungs.
Samsaren kisses the rose solemnly to affirm his vow.
Samsaren offers Sendithu a Saemaus' kiss rose.
Sendithu accepts Samsaren's Saemaus' kiss rose.
Sendithu kisses the rose gently.
The rose is enveloped in a holy light until nothing is left but the invisible bond it symbolized.
Sendithu waggles her fingers mystically at Samsaren. How nice.
Sendithu gives Samsaren a crooked grin.
Samsaren holds Sendithu's hand and offers to slip a slender palladium infinity wedding band on her finger.
Wyvir inhales a great swallow of air.
Kurlay applauds.
Sendithu smiles at Samsaren as he slips a slender palladium infinity wedding band onto her finger.
The wedding band glows with a soft radiance.
Sendithu gets a shadow emerald infinity wedding band from inside her trinket case.
Sendithu holds Samsaren's hand and offers to slip a shadow emerald infinity wedding band on his finger.
Sendithu says, "This one is better."
Samsaren smiles at Sendithu as she slips a shadow emerald infinity wedding band onto his finger.
The wedding band glows with a soft radiance.
Samsaren says, "Agreed."
Sendithu beams in loving admiration at Samsaren!
Sendithu asks Remcinsh, "Now the kissing?"
Remcinsh exclaims, "Okay now, you may kiss the bride!"
Remcinsh smiles.
Synamon covers Khaelyn's eyes with her hand.
Samsaren smiles.
Samsaren stands near Sendithu.
Samsaren brushes his lips against Sendithu's in a loving kiss.
A passing breeze catches up some fallen rose petals, wafting them playfully through the air before gently dropping them to the ground.
Sendithu kisses Samsaren. And she doesn't seem to want to stop.
Rekon gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Nurah gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Lytryst lets out a loud "Huzzah!"
You applaud.
Squanto holds his hand out towards Samsaren for a highfive.
Mistanna lets out a loud "Huzzah!"
Jauhn applauds.
Eckan lets out a hearty cheer for Samsaren!
Navesi gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Synamon giggles.
Saragos gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Wyvir beams!
Kaelie gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
You see Dazzling Bride Sendithu Shima'ionare-Remlane, Favored of Damaris, an Elf.
Sendithu has an angular face with elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and thick-lashed violet eyes. Her blue-black hair is very long and thick, and is worn tied back in an elegant chignon held in place by a pair of white glaes swans with aoustone-inlaid wings. She has pale skin and a lithe figure.
She is average height for an Elf.
A pair of richly marbled dragonvein agates adorns her ears, each gem carved to resemble a Queen-of-the-night lily in full bloom. Delicate chains of honey-toned sungold descend from the flowers to brush gently against her cheeks.
She is wearing a dainty shireli lace choker dangling a whirl cut violet's heart amethyst, an open backed shireli lace gown with a dramatic shadesatin train, a palladium engagement ring adorned with an inferno's heart surrounded by Elamiri sapphires, a slender palladium infinity wedding band and a pair of dainty slippers with carved glitvire heels.
You see Dashing Groom Samsaren Remlane, Defending Legend of Truffenyi, a Human Paladin.
Samsaren has laugh lines and almond-shaped stormy grey eyes. His grey-streaked silver hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back. He has pale skin and an athletic build.
He is very tall for a Human.
He appears to be venerable.
He has a tattoo of a whirling sword dancer with dual blades raised in fierce salute on his back.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a fitted grey madun doublet with black hemmed slashing, a wide damite signet ring, some fitted jaalmin pants with shadow emerald buckles and a pair of black leather combat boots with animite fasteners.
You see Remmiest Remmy Remcinsh Remvoris, an Elven Cleric.
Remcinsh has pointed ears and mismatched eyes, one black and the other milky white. His ash-blonde hair is short and straight, and is worn loose, tucked behind his ears. He has fair skin and an athletic build.
He appears to be young.
He has a tattoo of a wren perched upon a fisted gauntlet over a lute of gold on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a wide palladium thumb ring adorned with a brilliant cloud ruby phoenix, a tawny brown wren prayer-feather, a sumptuous lava samite scarf stitched with intricate flames along the ends, an enveloping white shadesatin cloak embroidered with a spectral phoenix, some pearly white cleric's robes belted with a wide nightsilk sash, a tiny creamy yellow pouch with deep red embroidery, a fiery red suede harness sewn in silver and gold thread with a flaring phoenix, a white suede weapons belt with a Clerics' Guild buckle, a lumpy bundle and some crimson silk sandals dangling tiny golden phoenixes.
You see Almost Late Wyvir Virtego, an Elf.
Wyvir has a fire opal earcuff dangling a glittering star-shaped crystal accenting one of the pointed ears and mismatched eyes, one crystal blue and the other crystal green. His blue-black hair is very long and straight, and is worn tied back. He has tanned skin.
He appears to be young.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a green gold torque capped with a pair of Elamiri sapphires, a fitted longcoat of cobalt blue starlight velvet lined with silk, a blue spidersilk rose tinted the lovely hue of Xibar's light, some pleated deep green wool breeches cross-gartered from ankle to knee with brown leather and a pair of smokewood sandals with silverweave straps.
You see Cupcake Thief Synamon McUlrik-Remlane, Saved, an Elf.
Synamon has pointed ears, sparkling crystal blue eyes and a freckled nose. Her golden brown-streaked auburn hair is shoulder length and curly, and is worn in a haphazard tangle bound by several strands of tiny seed pearls. She has pale skin and a shapely figure.
She is tiny for an Elf.
She appears to be an adult.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a pair of gaudy horn-rimmed spectacles, a simple silver necklace, a plain silver torque, a lumpy vela'tohr seed dangling from a homespun woolen cord, a fluffy white feather boa, a green silk sundress trimmed with Elven lace and tiny glacier emeralds, a braided platinum wedding band cradling a pair of brilliant carved emeralds and a pair of brilliant violet snakeskin boots.
You see Best Cleric Ever Khaelyn Shima'ionare, an Elf.
Khaelyn has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears, sparkling crystal blue eyes and a classical nose. Her blonde hair is long and thick, and is worn loose. She has fair skin and a slender figure.
She is slightly under average height for an Elf.
A triangular smoke grey diamond adorned with an intaglio leaping dolphin nestles at the top of her forehead, brightened by faint, darting sparkles deep within the gem.
She appears to be young.
Her right wrist has a tattoo of a pure white geshiloira flower blooming on a seaside cliff.
A brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light hovers like a will-o-wisp, following her diligently.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a celeste-blue spun glitter cloak with an Elven snowlace overlay and sweeping train, a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps, an empire waisted gown of glacial blue sunkissed chiffon with a woven icesteel belt and some etched crystal slippers with tapered heels.
You see Best Squire Eckan Remlane, a Human Paladin.
Eckan has mismatched eyes, one crystal blue and the other hazel. His honey hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn in a tousled, finger-combed style. He has tanned skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crushed velvet doublet with slashed sleeves revealing a white linen lining, a brass badge etched with a laurel and lion's claw crest, a dusky smokewood pilgrim's badge edged with a heavy gold bezel, a kertig spetum, a supple raw silk squire's bag with a palladium clasp, a brushed palladium squire's ring flush-set with a soulstone, an albredine crystal ring, a deep green crystal ring cut to resemble cracking moss-covered stone, a pair of trousers with heavy goldwork embroidery across the flat-paneled waist and a pair of dark sable boots fastened with wide gold buckles.
a pair of white glaes swans with aoustone-inlaid wings
Seeming to float upon the hair when worn, the dainty amethyst-eyed birds are crafted from lustrous white glaes. Each diminutive feather is formed from vivid, blue-hearted aoustone, causing a smoky azure tinge with hints of fiery orange to bleed into the half-stretched wings in any available light.
a dainty shireli lace choker dangling a whirl cut violet's heart amethyst
Positioned to nestle in the hollow of the wearer's throat, the complex cut of the deep purple gem allows it to catch more available light and emphasizes the indigo, almost crimson center. The dusky purple lace is woven with a distinctive pattern of medallion flowers.
an open backed shireli lace gown with a dramatic shadesatin train
Pale lilac shireli lace forms an elegant sheath gown, the whisper soft fabric masterfully tailored to hug every curve. A lustrous band of shadesatin wraps around the empire waist before spilling from the low backline where it is designed to fall to the floor in a graceful pool. Overlaying the sweetheart neckline, a sheer layer of tulle is adorned with hundreds of sparkling violet's heart amethyst beads arranged in a pattern of stylized flames.
a palladium engagement ring adorned with an inferno's heart surrounded by Elamiri sapphires
Intricately fashioned swirls of polished palladium create an exquisite filigreed silvery-white band. Tiny amber-toned sapphires, reflecting flashes of color ranging from brilliant red to rose pink, nestle into the lacework and add a soft touch to the metallic base. Fine prongs cradle the faceted inferno's heart and allow for a perfect view of the varicolored hues flaring from its core, reminiscent of an eternal blazing fire.
There appears to be something written on it.
a slender palladium infinity wedding band
The narrow, silvery-white band is crowned by a whirl cut shadow emerald set atop an intricate infinity knot. The complex cut of the deep green gem allows it to catch more available light and emphasizes the distinctive black inclusion with smoky tendrils swirling out from its heart.
There appears to be something written on it.
The gifts!
a polished walnut trinket case
Lined with a soft layer of midnight purple velvet to protect any treasures held within, the case features a cunningly wrought blackened steel lock in the shape of a shield. The image of a pair of crossed robe swords surrounded by a wreath of lilies is burned onto the lid, and the initials "S.R+S.S." are engraved beneath the lock.
In the trinket case you see a walnut key, an Elven silver brandy flask and a skinning knife.
an engraved Elven silver brandy flask
Etched in painstaking detail, a group of figures is portrayed gathered together in the common room of a tavern and raising their glasses while the publican looks on, counting Dokoras. At the center of the image, a tall powerfully built Human male and a slender Elven woman stand close together, hand in hand.
There appears to be something written on it.
"Samsaren and Sendithu Remlane, 418."
an amethyst-hilted skinning knife with a blackened steel blade
Narrow raw silk straps wrapped around the handle allow the blade to be fastened to the wrist. The single edge is honed to razor sharpness with a wicked hook at the tip to aid in the efficient separation of skin from bone and muscle tissue. A deep purple amethyst set in the hilt is the only embellishment.
THE CAKE! Synamon knocked this OUT! All hail Synamon!
a triple-tiered wedding cake adorned with white chocolate Elamiri roses
Pristine white buttercream creates the background for intricate silvery piping, mimicking exquisite shireli lace, accented with strands of crystal clear sugar diamonds. Tiny Elamiri roses crafted from white chocolate and dusted with a deep purple luster forms a border at the base of each tier. A heart shaped lock is set in the middle of an etched crystal shield that sits atop the confection, surrounded by exquisite Queen-of-the-night lilies, a diamondique lockpick resting at its base.
You take a bite of the cake. Velvety chocolate cake gives way to a cinnamon vanilla creme filling, sweeping your taste buds into a choreographed waltz of awesome.
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